Our Philosophy
We provide accounting, auditing, and professional services to Charities, Not-for-profit, Faith-based organizations and Churches, SMEs, and corporate businesses. Whatever your business goals, we provide a dedicated and experienced team to support you. And what’s more, we support our clients with the latest digital accounting processes through the Moracle Accountancy Formula, which underpin all our client services.
Contact the Moracle team to get accounting services support. .
Our Philosophy

Moracle is a leading management and business support company providing accounting, auditing and professional services
Our clients are drawn from the corporate, private and not for profit sectors and from the Small and Medium-size (SMEs) market. We work both nationally and internationally and operate in the following service areas and industry sectors, Auditing, Taxation, VAT, Outsourcing, Consultancy, Training, Company secretarial and Accounting packages
Our Approach
Our approach is built on the following principles of:
- Strong management
- Client centered relationship
- Rigorous quality systems
- Independence
- Regular monitoring and feedback
- Professional skills and training
Our experience is grounded in strong work histories and academic training. We bring many years of practice experience across a range of clients and with particularly high competence in the charity sector. Within the company we have people trained at post graduate level (MBA); with fellow membership from such bodies as The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. We are also a certified ACCA training employer thus passing on our experience to the next generations of upcoming accountants.
We pride ourselves on our ability to bring solutions to our clients because we understand their working reality. What makes us unique is that we have experienced the issues you face ourselves and as such the guidance and solutions we provide are tried, tested and proven to be effective. We also draw on a range of partnership agreements with associates that span a range of business and organisational activities which is available to all our clients.

Moracle in its first year. - Hired 2 staff - Sponsored Third Sector Excellence Awards

Set up Moracle Foundation as a Social Enterprise - Sponsored Third Sector Excellence Awards – three years in a row

- New Moracle Business Support Team - Moracle became a member of ACAT

- Morlai Kargbo appointed as Chair of the ACCA North London Panel - Morlai Kargbo attended the ACCA MEC conference - The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) had a stand at Employer Career Day organized by Waltham Forest College and our Chairman Morlai Kargbo was part of the team helping on the stand and answering queries from students about ACCA and also ‘telling his story’

- International consultancy assignment in Ghana.

- We are grateful and honoured to have Moracle's achievements acknowledged in 2019 by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). - Our Founder and Managing Director, Morlai Kargbo, a Fellow Member of ACCA, was presented the ACCA UK Outstanding Contribution Award 2019 by the Global President of ACCA, Robert Stenhouse. - Stenhouse said: "Morlai has been with the ACCA North London Panel/Network for many years. As Chair, his attendance in various business events helps provide ACCA with the effort to build connections and promote the qualification. Most recently he has been the driving force in raising awareness of ACCA Apprenticeships and the benefits to future members and local businesses".

Morlai Kargbo, FCCA the Global Managing Director of Moracle Group, co-founded Moracle Africa alongside Miriam Obo-Anderson, ACCA who has recently joined the organisation and has set up Moracle Ghana as the flagship project of the wider Moracle Africa strategy. Miriam is highly ambitious and is very much looking forward to developing the Moracle brand in Ghana and for her experience to be used as a template for the wider Moracle Africa programme. The African continent is currently home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies and is home to the world’s largest free trade area and a 1.2 billion-person market. The continent is creating an entirely new development path, harnessing the potential of its resources and people. Moracle Africa is determined to play a role in this economic development and passionately believes in the vast opportunities that such a venture may provide, both for Moracle itself as an organisation, as well as the individuals and businesses that will represent and work alongside Moracle across the African continent. Our goal and vision is to introduce Moracle to every country on the African continent.

Moracle Foundation has long been a vehicle for change within the Moracle Group. We provide hands-on opportunities for young people to launch their careers within the accountancy and audit professions and also enable employers to tap into this fresh talent pool. We provide vocational training and work-based experience, ongoing professional career development support and build established strategic partnerships between employers and trainees. In 2021, Moracle Foundation, in partnership with Capital City College Group, took on more than thirty young people via the UK Government Kickstart Scheme, which has enabled us train a large number of young people and to provide them with hands-on experience of the accountancy sector. One of the most beneficial outcome we have found for Apprentices is supporting them with their mindset. Having our Chair and Managing Director, Morlai Kargbo himself spend the last 3 years studying with Bob Proctor, the Master of personal development & human potential, it enhances every Apprentice and it is long-lasting experience for their future. Many of them have progressed onto exciting opportunities, including further training and employment. Alongside ACCA, Moracle Foundation has been able to direct many of our apprentices towards the ACCA Apprenticeship Scheme. We have also employed some of our ‘Kickstarters’ here at Moracle too. Along with the gracious support we continue to receive from our clients, staff and ambassadors, Moracle Foundation is proud of the work we have achieved so far and we pledge to continue this ground breaking initiative, providing opportunities for young people to gain skills and experience within the accountancy sector and to progress onto meaningful and fulfilling careers.
Our People
Meet our dedicated management team who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to ensure the success of our organization.